About Kurseong

Situated at an altitude of 1,458m (4,864 ft), 51 km from Siliguri and 30 km from Darjeeling, Kurseong's natural advantages make it an attractive tourist destination. The local name of Kurseong is ‘Kharsang’ which in Lepcha language means ‘Land of White Orchids’. The Chogyal (Monarch) of Sikkim ceded Kurseong to the British empire in 1835 and later in 1880, this small hamlet became a favoured tourist destination for the colonial authorities and used to be a preferred place for sanatoriums.

Located at a lower elevation, Kurseong enjoys a milder and a very healthy climate throughout the year. It is the peace, serenity and the healthy climate of Kurseong, that attracted many a great person to this place. Guru Rabindra Nath Tagore got inspiration for some of their famous works around Kurseong. Sister Nivedita, the great disciple of Swami Vivekananda made Kurseong her home.

The rich flora of Kurseong town and surroundings is fascinating, and it has aptly been described as a 'Botanists' Paradise'. Apart from the charm and beauty that nature has bestowed upon Kurseong,the people of this place are joyous and fun loving and welcome visitors with warmth and hospitality